Calendar Pick-Up & Buddy Walk® Kick Off
Saturday, Sept 26, 3-5pm
at the Monroe County Fairgrounds Commercial Building. This will be a no-contact event, so you can safely drive thru using the following schedule by last name: 3:00-3:30pm A-G 3:30-4:00pm H-M 4:00-4:30pm N-S 4:30-5:00pm T-Z Details:Decorate your vehicles, bring your pets, and pick up some great stuff:
What to Expect at the Pickup / Kick-Off
After Party
A "Watch Party" of the calendar release presentation from the comfort of your couch at 6:30pm. Link will be sent out prior to the event.
Register for the Virtual Buddy Walk(R)
Nov 1st @ 3pm
(link will be provided closer to the date)
Location for Calendar Pickup / Buddy Walk (R) Kick-OffMonroe County Fairgounds
Commercial Building 5700 W Airport Rd, Bloomington, IN 47403 |