Exhibitor Information:
Set up begins at 8:30am. Doors open at 10am.
Theme is “On Safari” with live animal entertainment! Come in “costume” if you’d like.
(khakis, handkerchiefs, vests, hiking boots etc)
Plan to provide a kid-friendly activity, freebie, and/or small door prize at your table.
($10 suggested value)
The fair closes at 1pm, at which time a complimentary lunch will be provided.
Tear down completed by 3pm.
Questions? Contact Cyndi Johnson at c[email protected]
Mobile: 812-219-2338
Exhibitor Fees
$10 for small Non-Profit with annual budget under $25,000 or Government Agency
(you may request a scholarship by choosing the option below in the registration form)
$35 for large Non-Profit with annual budget over $25,000 if payment received by March 15
($45 for payments received after March 15th)
Payment preference is paypal - please use the link below
or mail a check payable to DSFC to Missy Shahadey, 329 Woodfield Ln, Blgtn IN 47403
to request an invoice email missy@downsyndromefamilyconnection.org.
Complete the Registration Form then Submit Payment - Thank you
Theme is “On Safari” with live animal entertainment! Come in “costume” if you’d like.
(khakis, handkerchiefs, vests, hiking boots etc)
Plan to provide a kid-friendly activity, freebie, and/or small door prize at your table.
($10 suggested value)
The fair closes at 1pm, at which time a complimentary lunch will be provided.
Tear down completed by 3pm.
Questions? Contact Cyndi Johnson at c[email protected]
Mobile: 812-219-2338
Exhibitor Fees
$10 for small Non-Profit with annual budget under $25,000 or Government Agency
(you may request a scholarship by choosing the option below in the registration form)
$35 for large Non-Profit with annual budget over $25,000 if payment received by March 15
($45 for payments received after March 15th)
Payment preference is paypal - please use the link below
or mail a check payable to DSFC to Missy Shahadey, 329 Woodfield Ln, Blgtn IN 47403
to request an invoice email missy@downsyndromefamilyconnection.org.
Complete the Registration Form then Submit Payment - Thank you