Breakout Session 1 (10:30am - 11:15am):
Make It Take It: Preparing for
Your Child’s Case Conference
Penny Githens, IN*SOURCE Parent Support Volunteer Feel a bit uneasy at your student’s case conference? Want to make sure that you are prepared for the next one? Come join us for a “Make It Take It” and create a binder specific to your child’s strengths and needs. Feel free to bring along pre-printed materials that are specific to your child (a brief biography of your child, photos, copies of letters from doctors, current IEP, evaluation information, etc.). While creating the binder, you will also receive some essential tips on what to do and what do not to do prepare for your next case conference. *********************************************************************** The Connection Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Down Syndrome Dayna Thompson, Alzheimer’s Educator IU Health Bloomington, Community Health By middle age, most people with Down syndrome develop the plaques and tangles that we associate with Alzheimer’s Disease, but not all develop dementia. We will discuss Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s and the links that we see, how to recognize the symptoms and get a diagnosis, and what to do if you or a loved one is diagnosed. *********************************************************************** Preparing for the Future: Special Needs Trusts, Estate Planning, and More Melissa Justice, Trust Director with The Arc of Indiana Master Trust. Join us for a discussion on Special Needs Trusts and in particular The Arc of Indiana Master Trust. This will include what parents and/or guardians need to know about estate planning when they have a loved one with a disability. It will also include what to do if the person with the disability receives money that could cause them to lose their benefits. *********************************************************************** Therapy & Service Dogs: How They Help People with Disabilities Kathy Morrison, Service Animal Educator VIPaws Program Service and therapy dogs are amazing animals that offer a variety of benefits to persons with disabilities. Come meet Kanika, a retired therapy dog and learn how she helps people. Kanika will demonstrate some of the 30+ commands she can follow, and her trainer will share 5 of the things she does every day to care for Kanika. |
Breakout Session 2 (11:30am - 12:15pm)
Supporting Growth with Music
Tina de Leeuw, MS, MT-BC, Music Therapist & Family and Community Liaison, Fogerty Music Therapy Music therapy is the evidenced-based, goal-directed use of music interventions provided by a board certified music therapist. This form of therapy uses an individual’s interest in music as a tool to address cognitive, physical, psychosocial, and/or communicative needs. This break out session will provide information about music therapy to parents and family members. Individuals with Down syndrome or other developmental disabilities will be invited to participate in sample music therapy interventions. ******************************************************************** Dental Health: Celebrating Healthy Smiles! Dr. Tamara Gierke, Pediatric Dentist and Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry at IU Health Riley Hospital for Children; Bloomington Pediatric Dentistry Is it really necessary to take my child to the dentist? At what age should my child start seeing the dentist? These are two very important questions that will be answered during this presentation. The oral health of infants, toddlers, children, and adults with special needs can have a direct effect on their overall health and wellbeing. This presentation will provide you with the information on how to find the best dentist for your child and what types of questions you should be asking. As partners, you, your child’s dentist, and doctor can make sure your child with special needs has the best dental health possible! ******************************************************************** Guardianship Jennifer Akers, Project Coordinator Family Voices Indiana A legal guardianship in Indiana is used to appoint a guardian to provide for the care of a minor or an adult unable to manage his personal affairs. Guardianship of persons with disabilities can be a sensitive issue given the balancing act between preserving an individual’s self-direction and ensuring the individual’s welfare. Come learn about the different levels of guardianship available in Indiana and the basics of the guardianship process. ******************************************************************** Advocacy is Not a Bad Word Katherine Herron, Parent, First Steps Coordinator, and Clinical Psychologist Allyson Hammonds, Advocacy Specialist, Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services Advocacy is a tool for families as they seek solutions and resources for their children with disabilities. While people often associate advocacy with negativity, advocacy can and should be approached positively. This training focuses on three components of advocacy: knowledge, skills, and confidence. Participants will learn where to go to find useful information, how to communicate information effectively to professionals, and how to feel more confident when working with the professionals in their children’s lives. Participants will also learn how IPAS can address concerns about their child’s rights. |